Compare Mega Cash Bucks to Other Lenders

Comparison Chart for Best Short-Term Loan Rates

Comparison Chart

It can be a daunting job trying to make your way through a comparison of all the various offers for short-term and payday loans. All kinds of variables come into play. Maybe a lender follows loan regulations, applying a fixed rate on the amount borrowed. Or, maybe a lender is unlicensed and charges annual interest and brokerage fees. They may offer longer terms, but is it really going to be your best option? Just when you need funds fast, you have to try and make heads or tails out of all this?

Compare: We Offer Low-Cost Loans You Get Fast

This chart makes it easy to figure which short term or online loan best meets your needs and circumstances (based on the Ontario payday loan rates):

Mega Cash Bucks Traditional Payday Lenders Lenders with brokerage fee and annual interests
Terms 42 day term
(with the 3 repayments option available)
10 day term 70 day term with 32% interest
Principal issued $500 $500 $500
Broker fee - - $229.31
Cost of borrowing (in percentage) 15% of the amount borrowed 15% of the amount borrowed 32% annual
Cost of borrowing on a 500$ loan $75 $75 $30.68
Total cost of borrowing (interest fees and brokerage fees) $75 $75 $259.99
Pro-rated cost of borrowing   
Pro-rated cost of borrowing per day 1.78$ per day 7.50$ per day 3.71$ per day
Annual percentage rate 130% 548% 271%
Licensed Yes Not all No
Offers a cashback program of up to 20% of the cost of borrowing in return Yes No No
Paperless Yes No No
Long term client benefits status Yes No No
E-transfer for all customers in 2 minutes Yes No No
   Best Choice!

There’s nothing like a direct one-to-one comparison to help you evaluate your options. You should always compare the terms on offer for any online short-term loans that you’re considering. Also, keep in mind that the provinces all have different regulations on rates that licensed lenders can charge. If you’ve got any questions around regulations or rates in your province, our Customer Service Advisors are there to help.